Prime Washroom Services

Washroom hygiene services in Dunfermline covering Fife, Edinburgh and central Scotland

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Sanitary Disposal Units

All washrooms in commercial settings are legally required to provide suitable sanitary disposal units.

We can offer a professional and flexible service to suit your needs, whether its high traffic customer washrooms that require more frequent fortnightly servicing or lower traffic staff washrooms that only require monthly servicing.

Sharps Disposal

Proper sharps disposal is essential. We can offer a professional and flexible end to end service. Having a visible sharps disposable system will keep customer confidence high.

Nappy Disposal

A safe and hygienic nappy bin service is vital to any washroom or baby changing facility. This ensures that sensitive nappy waste is disposed of and managed in accordance with regulations. We offer either 4-weekly or 2-weekly service options as standard.

Air Care

Oxygen-Supreme’s technology guarantees that the the system delivers continuous and consistent level of fragrance throughout the cartridge life. With no added VOCs, solvents, alcohols, propellants or CFCs, the Oxygen-Supreme cartridges contain 100% pure fragrance oil and are a safe choice for any environment. Fragrances are changed at every service.

Hand Dryers

Upgrade your washrooms with these sleek and modern hand dryers. With an impressive 12 second dry time this unit used minimum electricity. Have peace of mind with a service contact that offers quick response times for any breakdown and a guaranteed annual service for each dryer.

Min 3 year term

Entrance Mats

Make the right impression while keeping dust dirt and moisture out. Fortnightly servicing guarantees your entrance ways are always clean.

*Additional charges apply for logo mats, artwork must be provided by customer

"*" indicates required fields

Full Name*

Got a question? Give us a call using the number below.

Fill out our form or use the email below to get in touch.
Prime Industrial & Janitorial Supplies Ltd.
Unit 4a
Castle Business Centre
KY11 8NT

Sharps Disposal

Unit Type Frequency
Yellow Lid 4 Litre
6 Services per Annum
Yellow Lid 7 Litre
4 Services per Annum
Orange Lid 5 Litre
2 Services per Annum
Orange Lid 7 Litre
7 Services per Annum
Other service frequency’s available to suit your individual requirements

Entrance Mats

Size Logo Available*
0.9m x 1.5m
1.2m x 1.8m
0.9m x 3m
*Additional charges apply for logo mats, artwork must be provided by customer

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